Dental Restorations
Nerve Treatment
Nerve Treatment
Primary (or baby) teeth are very small, and decay can be serious. If decay reaches the dental nerve, nerve treatment in the form of either a pulpotomy or a pulpectomy (depending on the extent of decay) will be needed. If the decay has just reached the nerve, a pulpotomy will be performed. A pulpotomy involves removal of the nerve in the crown (part of the tooth above the gum line), which is then filled with a sedative material placed into the nerve chamber. This maintains the vitality of the remaining nerve tissue. Following the nerve treatment, dentist will cover the tooth with stainless steel crown to protect against fracture. In the event that the decay progresses deep into the nerve and creates an abscess in a baby tooth, dentist will usually need to extract the baby tooth, but in some instances will perform a pulpectomy. An abscessed baby tooth often causes little or no discomfort because the bone housing the roots is spongy and porous. However, the abscess can drain through the bone and gums into the mouth without pressure buildup. Treatment is like a root canal on a permanent tooth, but a pulpectomy is completed in one visit. Dentist will clean, irrigate, dry, and fill the nerve chambers of the tooth. We will then restore the tooth with a composite or stainless steel crown