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First Dental Visit

Vancouver Pediatric Dentist

At the first appointment, we will examine your child’s teeth, gums, and related oral structures. If x-rays are indicated, they will be made at this time. Along with the examination, a diagnostic x-ray survey enables the paediatric dentist to thoroughly evaluate your child and recommend appropriate care. Usually, the dental cleaning and topical fluoride procedures are completed at this visit. Oral hygiene instructions will be reviewed with you and your child. For most children, this first appointment in our office is an interesting and pleasant experience. Our office is geared to children. All of the people on our staff enjoy children and work well with them.


Parents play a most important role in getting children started with a good attitude toward dental care, and your cooperation is greatly appreciated. One of the useful things you can do is to be completely natural and easygoing when you talk with your child about this appointment. This approach will enable him or her to view it primarily as an opportunity to meet people who are interested in him or her and who want to help children stay healthy.


In discussing dentistry with your child, please avoid words like "needle, drill, hurt, shot," and any other word that may have an unpleasant or offensive meaning. Also, avoid letting other children tease or try to scare him or her about the appointment. If you offer your child a reward, please do so in such a way as not to be alarming to him or her. Some children may associate a bribe with an upcoming unpleasant event. If your child has any questions about the upcoming appointment, please feel free to be open and honest with him or her. If you do not know how to answer or do not want to answer, tell him or her “Your dentist will explain that to you when you get there," or "I know that the dentist will be very gentle with you." We will explain to your child what we will be doing and how he or she can help during the appointment. Any relationship is built on trust, and we will do our best to help him or her develop trust in our staff. 


After we have had a chance to study the x-rays and clinical findings, we will discuss the findings with you and explain any treatment options and recommendations for your child. 

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